Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Way of Peace > Page 5


Peace & Silence & Oneness

meditations on living peace & being peace No. 1

Page 5

This, again, is about the Light, not you in the Light. Living in the Light, noting how others respond or react to you, you remain in peace, you live in-Love. Peace is peace-ing through you, Love is love-ing through you. You do none of this, only share in participation, by inspiration.

You discover the meaning in the Gospel of Gospel of John 1.5, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome (or, comprehended) it." The "darkness" is incapable of appreciating the Light within you, unable to welcome it, yet, the Light remains welcoming. Wonderful Grace! Gracious Light!

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Through time in Silence, you become more and more sensitized to others and their responses to you, responses before you could not discern. These persons will not be aware that you see. Simply observe, quietly, not owning the response, any response. Your presence calls forth a certain response, the one felt in that moment by the other. You are present to hold the space for the other to be with the response, not for you to resolve it for the other or to understand the why of it. Simply, remain in peace, breathe peace. Offering a silent prayer for the other is a benevolent act, or inwardly speaking a prayer phrase or mantra, and such acts can help ground you in goodwill and receptivity to the other and the Light.

* * *

For peace to arise, we cannot subtract ourselves from the harm brought among us, we are part of it for part of one another. We have blessed in ways we did not know, as we have cursed in ways we did not know. In humbleness, to confess, we confess together, we do not confess from outside the suffering or others, the discord, the warring and wars, and the infliction of harm on our planet. We do not forgive apart either, we forgive in one act with being forgiven. We are that close.

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Drawing near the Light, we do not live with an agenda to live in peace, to confess, to forgive. We do not take pride in being peace or being peaceful or offering peace or working toward peace The Light leads to less self-consciousness, so we become surprised how peace, with all pertaining to peace, begins happening without our awareness, only known by looking back and being grateful for the gift of the happening. When we consent to the working of peace, we are drawn into the experience of this, even without our conscious reminders to live in peace. Spontaneity replaces deliberation, aspiration becomes one with inspiration.

* * *

Wisely we choose not to speak directly of experiences of being harmed by others, except as we discern well to do so in private and for edification. We are not to nurse grievances, tending them tenderly as though we are somehow proving our rightness by doing so. The way of peace is not to hover over and talk about the harm we feel done to us, but to go within for healing, and outside if we need for encouragement, counseling, or spiritual guidance.

We remember, peace can happen
in any moment,
for peace is always present
in each moment.

And peace may begin to happen
simply by a silent "Yes."

peace is each step

*Brian Wilcox. "peace is each step". Flickr.

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

*Brian can be contacted through the following link.



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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Way of Peace > Page 5

©Brian Wilcox 2024